RÍAN KEARNEY is a curator, writer and researcher based in the Midlands.



Queer Space Archive


Queering the Archive
Recent Activity
16 Nov 2017
Screening and In-Conversation

Queering the Archive explores queer digital presence as a method of recording: highlighting current modes of digitisation, the potentials of the archive and the role of history in navigating of the closet.

A selection of films from Sandi Hughes’ Rewind Fast Forward - an archive of LGBTQ communities in Liverpool - cast a light on unread histories. The videos highlight past queer experiences through the documentation of mundane occurrences – both positive and negative - and raises questions as to how these might relate to a contemporary audience. Hughes is in the process of digitising and uploading her archive to its own dedicated website.

The screening was followed by a panel discussion with Hughes, Laura Hudson and Tom Worsfold, whose solo exhibition Felt Tip formed the setting of the event.

This event is presented as part of SHOUT Festival of Queer Arts and Culture.